We Are Mustangs
Welcome to Mount Vernon! We pride ourselves on being a warm, welcoming, and inclusive environment. As part of that culture, we use Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports to help our students navigate school behavior and expectations. We believe that each student comes to us with unique experiences, needs, and cultural backgrounds. It is our desire to support our students while honoring these differences and meeting their needs. We also believe in teaching our expectations just as we would teach math or literacy skills. Our students have opportunities to practice these skills and to receive constructive feedback. We teach our students to be effective collaborators and communicators, which fosters positive interpersonal relationships. Student success is reinforced and celebrated.
The foundation of our positive school culture is the “We are Mustangs” expectations. We use these guiding principles to teach expectations and celebrate success. The students learn how kindness affects their relationships with others. They learn how to be safe at school by preparing for emergencies and preventing harm. They learn to be responsible by following rules, routines, and expectations along with taking responsibility for themselves, others, and the school. Finally, they learn how to have a positive, growth mindset and to be prepared for learning.
In addition to teaching our students to be responsible, kind, safe, and ready to learn, we expect that all staff members will model these expectations. This contributes to our positive school climate. It is part of our culture and who we are. We are Mustangs!
PBIS.org | Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports