Library Media Center
Mrs. Hendrix - Library Media Center
Each Week your child will visit the media center for instruction and book selection. Instruction emphasizes literature appreciation, library and research skills to enhance the learning, and the promotion of intellectual and personal interests. Instruction will be provided on Copyright and Internet Safety during your child’s visits to the library through-out the year. Also during the year, the teachers and the library media specialist collaborate on additional instruction to support the curriculum.
In addition to the classroom instruction, students are also given the time to select books to check out and take home. Books are checked out for one week at a time and must be returned before additional books may be checked out.
Students may return books at any time and may check out books from 8:30 AM to 3:15 PM (as well as during their regular library time) with the exception of 11:50 - 12:20 when the library is closed for lunch.
Things to Remember:
- Please remember to return and/or renew library materials on your regular library day.
- Overdue notices are sent home periodically.
- Books may be renewed for up to 3 weeks.
- Is there a book your student wants to read that is always checked out? They can put up to two books on hold at a time if it is not currently checked in. Once the book comes in, we will give a notice to the teacher so that the student may come pick it up.
- No fines are assessed for late books.
- Take time to check out the new titles that have arrived.
- Payment for lost or damaged books is expected. The fee will be the replacement cost for a new or similar book and is quoted on the overdue notice. Please pay with exact cash or with a check made payable to Mt. Vernon Elementary School. Send the payment to school in an envelope marked "Library." Refunds for books found at a later date in good condition will be made.
Would you like to browse the Mt. Vernon Library catalog from home? (click below)
Mt. Vernon Elementary Library Catalog
Are you searching for a title that MVE Library does not own? Access the York County Public Library’s web site. Check their on-line catalog for available library materials. If you have a valid library card you can renew and place holds on library materials.
Thank you for all of your support. I am looking forward to a great year in the Library!
Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.
Mrs. Melissa Hendrix